Seller‘s obligations regarding exchange of goods in Lithuania
Following the Rules of Retail adopted by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, the seller has the obligation to exchange the goods or return the money to the buyer within 14 days, if the seller provides the receipt and if the goods were not used. However, there is an exception to this general rule.
There is no obligation to exhange goods/return money if the goods are not defective if the goods fall into certain category. The following goods can be exchanged or money can be returned to the customer, only if the seller agrees to exchange the goods (return money):
Please note that defective goods shall be exchanged, provided that defects were present during the sale and were not caused by the customer.
To find out more about sellers obligations in Lithuania, please contact our English speaking lawyers at info@gencs.eu.
T: +370 526 110 00
F: +370 526 111 00