European Trademark - all the more necessary
Modern economic conditions require a new approach to the market environment and the objective protection of the products offered and marketed. It is no coincidence that intellectual property is one of the most powerful legal ways to prevent unfair competition and other similar malpractices on the market. The registration of an European Union Trademark in the 28 Member States of the EU is an adequate and imperative response to the flexible and market-oriented modern companies. The holders, willing to protect their products or services not only in their national countries, but also on the European market, should apply this way to protect the brand by filling application for European Trademark, so as a consequence they will already have a registration of European Union Trademark.
The procedure is administered by the European Union Office for Intellectual Property (EUIPO), based in Alicante, Spain. The registration of an European Trademark with the EU Intellectual Property Office is the best and easiest way to provide protection on the territory of the EU Member States. When a trademark has been successfully registered, the protection is distributed across the territory of all member states of the EU.
Comparable cases you can enjoy here:
- European Union Trade Mark – absolute grounds for registrability: http://gencs.eu/news/view/3543 ;
- Relative grounds for refusal of European Union trade mark registration: http://gencs.eu/news/view/3429
To find out more about the European Trademark , contact our EU Trademark attorney at: info@gencs.eu
T: +371 67 240 090
F: +371 67 240 091