Employment agreements in Lithuania
The new Lithuanian Labor Code has fixed wide a range of employment agreements in Lithuania, which makes employment relations very convenient both for employers and employees. Below you can find the most significant information about employment agreements in Lithuania.
Fixed-term employment agreement in Lithuania.
It is certain that fixed-term employment agreements in Lithuania may be signed for permanent work. It should be noted that fixed-term employment agreements cannot exceed 20% of the total number of employment agreements signed in the Company. Fixed-term employment agreements in Lithuania, as well as several running fixed-term employment agreements, which are signed with the same employee in order to perform the same job function, can not last longer than 2 years. Running fixed-term employment agreements in Lithuania are called agreements that are signed within time period not longer than 2 months.
Employment agreement for several employers in Lithuania.
According to the employment agreement for several employers in Lithuania, an employee can work for two or more employers by performing the same job function. When employment agreement for several employers in Lithuania contains a provision that working hours of an employee are not divided among employers, information regarding the remuneration for the working hours by each employer has to be determined. In the employment agreement for several employers must be indicated first employer who will do all employer’s duties regarding working-schedule making, paying social insurance and other taxes. Other employers shall compensate him all the expenses taking into account working hours that employee worked for them (if working hours are divided among employers).
Job-sharing employment agreement in Lithuania.
According to a job-sharing employment agreement in Lithuania, two employees agree with an employer to share one job position. Job-sharing agreements in Lithuania may contain details regarding the kind of the agreement, identity of the other employee, information about working time per week, etc. After a job-sharing employment agreement expires with one employee, other employee’s agreement is valid for one month, until the job sharing employment agreement is concluded with another employee. If job sharing employment agreement in Lithuania is not concluded within above mentioned time period, employer is obliged to offer an employee the full- time job.
Apprenticeship employment agreement in Lithuania.
An apprenticeship employment agreement in Lithuania is a fixed-term agreement, which is signed when a person is employed for the purpose of either acquiring qualification and skills or gaining competences required for the profession. The longest duration of the apprenticeship employment agreement in Lithuania is 6 months with some applicable exceptions. There are two types of apprenticeship employment agreements in Lithuania: apprenticeship employment agreement concluded without teaching agreement and apprenticeship employment contract concluded with regulated by Lithuanian legislation teaching agreement for formal or informal teaching.
Employment agreement for project work in Lithuania.
Employment agreement for project work in Lithuania is a fixed-term agreement whereby an employee undertakes to carry out his job functions for the particular project. To achieve the above-mentioned result an employee may determine working time regime by himself and work either at or outside the office. The longest duration of the employment agreement for project work is 2 years (for the new employees or when the parties agree on project-based work in addition to the existing employment agreement of another kind) or 5 years (when the existing employment agreement is being replaced).
To find out more about employement agreements in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, please contact our English speaking lawyers at info@gencs.eu.
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