Public procurements in Lithuania
From June 2017, when the new Public procurement law in Lithuania came into force, and there were newly established requirements for purchasing organisations in Lithuania.
Firstly, if purchasing am organisation in Lithuania the buyer is obliged to estimate offers of the suppliers based on the ralation between the price and the quality. In the former Public procurement law in Lithuania, offers were estimated based on the lowest price, eanwhile, in the new Public procurement law in Lithuania, public purchases based on the lowest price can not exceed 70 % of the general value of all the procurements made by the purchasing organisation in Lithuania every year.
Secondly, new Public procurement law in Lithuania established a completely new term – life-cycle costs.When purchasing an organisation in Lithuania, the buyer is obliged to estimate life-cycle costs while estimating the offers of the suppliers if any such a provision is included to the conditions of purchases. Life-cycle costs include all costs sustained during existence of goods or services: electrical energy costs, exploitation costs, costs of assembling and remaiking of remains and others.
In the new Public procurement law in Lithuania there is an obligatory requirement separating the public procurement in Lithuania by parts based on quantity, quality of public procurement or differents stages of execution. Regarding simplified public procurements in Lithuania, purchasing was established as well as any organisation in Lithuania is entitled to decide om either separate public procurement in Lithuania or not.
Furthermore, in the new Lithuanian Public procurement law, the right of purchasing an organization in Lithuania was established based on the drafted requirements (in the documents of procurement ) that all essential tasks should be done by the supplier who presented the offer, but not his subcontractors.
To find out more about Public procurements in Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia, please contact our English speaking lawyers at info@gencs.eu.
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