Powers of Attorney for company establishment in Estonia and VAT registration for legal and natural persons
Power of Attorney for company establishment in Estonia + VAT - legal person
this POA should be signed by signature right natural personson of the company (usually board member) and notarized. Apostille is also required (unless they are notarized in Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine). After that notarized translation into Estonian is required.
Power of Attorney for company establishment in Estonia + VAT - natural person
this POA should be signed by authorizer and notarized. Apostille is also required (unless they are notarized in Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine). After that notarized translation into Estonian is required.
Power of Attorney for company establishment in Estonia - legal person
this POA should be signed by signature right person of the company (usually board member) and notarized. Apostille is also required (unless they are notarized in Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine). After that notarized translation into Estonian is required.
Power of Attorney for company establishment in Estonia - natural person
this POA should be signed by authorizer and notarized. Apostille is also required (unless they are notarized in Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine). After that notarized translation into Estonian is required.
Power of Attorney VAT - Estonia
this POA should be signed by signature right person of the company (usually board member) and notarized. Apostille is also required (unless they are notarized in Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine). After that notarized translation into Estonian is required.
Power of Attorney customs - Estonia
this POA should be signed by signature right person of the company (usually board member).
Board member conset and confirmation - Estonia
this consent should be signed by the person who is willing to be the board member of the company established in Estonia. The consent has to be notarized. Apostille is also required (unless they are notarized in Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine). After that notarized translation into Estonian is required.