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Doing Business Guide in the Baltics.
Free economic zones in Lithuania offer everything you need to ramp up your productivity and boost your business growth: from ready-to-build industrial sites with all the physical and legal infrastructure in place, to...
Personal Income Tax in Lithuania (PIT)
PIT rate: 20% and 27%.
20% rate applies to all labour derived income not exceeding 120 Average Monthly Wage (AMV) per year (approximately 8800 EUR per month).
If the revenue exceeds threshold above,...
In Lithunia commencement of activity is assumed when foreign natural or legal persons carry out any kind of economic activities in Lithuania. That means that foreign taxable persons have to...
Violation of work remuneration provisions in Lithuania is a subject to administrative liability...
Lithuania offers great incentives to incorporate for the Polish. Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement signed between Lithuania and Poland includes possibilities of 5% tax on...
Lithuania offers great incentives to incorporate for the Polish. Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement signed between Lithuania and Poland includes possibilities of 5% tax on...
Research and Development is highly encouraged in Lithuania as firms can deduct R&D expenditures 3 times. Moreover, 5% Corporate Income Tax is possible for the small...
Tax benefits for Polish for personal income in Lithuania
According to Lithuanian-Polish Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement Article 25, Polish resident that receives income in Lithuania is required to pay 15% tax...
Corporate income tax in Lithuania is paid by domestic companies – residents, non-residents and non-resident permanent establishments that perform economic activity in the country.
Taxable objects in...
A micro company (MB) is a legal form of business that was introduced in Lithuania in 2012.
MB is not required to have a minimum share capital, thus a micro company may be established with 1 EUR or any other tangible property...
Following the amendments of the Law on VAT, reverse VAT charge shall also apply for construction works, even if customer and contractor are both established in...
The MOSS system, otherwise referred to as mini one stop shop will allow merchants all over the EU to pay VAT more easily. The MOSS system has been introduced to ease the...
Consolidated reporting is regulated by the Law on Consolidated Financial Statements of Enterprises. An entity having one or several subsidiary undertakings must draw up...
Corporate income tax is paid by:
domestic companies – residents;
non-resident permanent establishments that perform economic activity.
General corporate income tax rate in Lithuania is 15%. However, following the provisions of the Law on Corporate Income Tax, small companies can benefit from 5% corporate income...
Personal income tax is imposed on income acquired by a natural person, and it consists of:
income from employment;
business income (self-employed income);
gains from transfer of...
Lithuania has included 58 countries to a list of low or no tax states. Transactions with these countries have special regulations and are subject to particular taxes applicable for individuals and...
Few Corporate income tax amendments applicable for 2014 income is a good sign, indicating stability in Lithuanian corporate tax system. Besides that, most of law changes are business...
Beginning of new financial year is a need to review legal requirements applicable to taxation of 2014 year’s income. There were several substantial amendments of Personal income tax law in...
The law which determines the rules of payment of this tax is the Law on Real Estate Tax of the Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter – the Law). According to the provisions of the Law, Lithuanian and foreign natural persons as...