Black listed countries in Latvia in 2018
In the meeting of Secretaries of State was presented the draft of the Regulation regarding low tax or tax-free countries and territories.
As of January 1, 2018 instead of the current 63 countries, the following 27 countries shall be acknowledged as low tax or tax-free countries:
Antigua & Barbuda
Virgin Islands (USA)
Commonwealth of the Bahamas
Brunei Darussalam
Commonwealth of Dominica
Republic of Djibouti
Republic of Ecuador
Guam (USA)
New Caledonia (French Republic)
The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Republic of Kenya
Labuan (Malaysia)
Lebanese Republic
Republic of Liberia
Macau (People's Republic of China)
Republic of Maldives
Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe
Saint Pierre and Miquelon (French Republic)
Saint Helena Island
Kingdom of Tonga
Republic of Vanuatu
Republic of Venezuela
Zanzibar (United Republic of Tanzania)
The new Latvian Corporate Income Tax Law, which will enter into force in January 1, 2018, establishes that the tax rate will be increased for all payments received from and transferred to low tax or tax-free countries and territories.
Now CIT 15% rate has to be applied and paid in the state budget, but starting from 2018, the tax rate will be increased. For management and consultancy service payments now 0% tax rate is applied, however from 2018 the rate of 20% will have to be applied.
In case these payments will be transferred to low tax or tax-free countries and territories, instead of 15%, the 40% tax rate will be applied. Therefore offshores are losing their advantages and privileges.
To find out more about black listed countries in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, please contact our English speaking lawyers at info@gencs.eu.
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F: +371 67240091